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What is the Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on the Molded Fiber Pulp Packaging Market?
2020-05-26 17:30:15

What is the Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on the Molded Fiber Pulp Packaging Market?

Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, most countries were forced to set restrictions on all types of manufacturing and supply chains. Only essential commodities such as food and beverages and pharmaceutical supplies were allowed to be manufactured and supplied.

Demand for molded fiber pulp packaging grew in the food and beverage and healthcare industry. Increasing usage of molded fiber pulp packaging as a protective packaging solution prevents product tampering.

Due to these factors, the demand for eco-friendly customized molded paper pulp tray and pulp molding packaging were not impacted heavily and that resulted in the growth of the overall molded fiber pulp packaging market.

What is the Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on the Molded Fiber Pulp Packaging Market.png

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