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How to Evaluate the Capacity of Pulp Molding Equipment
2022-09-24 16:30:53

How to Evaluate the Capacity of Pulp Molding Equipment

The capacity of pulp molding machine equipment is the main indicator of pulp molding production line. There is a lot of knowledge in how to evaluate the capacity of pulp molding equipment. For example, for pulp molding equipment with a calculated capacity of 1 ton or more, the actual capacity is only 650 kg, or even 500 kg, and the actual capacity will eventually fail to reach the designed capacity. But the equipment capacity directly determines the cost and the capacity of the factory.

1. How to measure the capacity of pulp molding equipment

   When producing different products, the output is different. In order to facilitate the comparison of the production capacity of the equipment, the national industry standard uniformly stipulates that the daily production of a standard 10-inch disc (21 grams) is used as the standard to measure and evaluate the production capacity of pulp molding equipment, but in actual production The weight of the medium 10-inch disc is basically 20 grams. Therefore, the equipment capacity index of the equipment sales contract is generally assessed with a 20-gram standard 10-inch disc as the measurement standard.

2. The capacity gap between the actual capacity and the designed capacity is mainly caused by the "skill" of capacity calculation

How to Evaluate the Capacity of Pulp Molding Equipment

Skill ①, measure the production capacity of the equipment with square box products with a higher gram weight

   The same machine can produce 600 kilograms of 20-gram 10-inch discs with 1 out of 9 per day, or 1-1.2 tons of 40-gram square boxes with 1 out of 10 per day. Before distinguishing the measurement standards, it is easy to produce the illusion of productivity. Equipment with a daily output of 600 kg will be mistaken for a 1 ton machine.

Skill ②, calculate and assess the output with a 9-inch disc of 16±2 grams

The 9-inch disc is the measurement standard, the standard weight of the 9-inch disc is 15 grams (14~15 grams), and the national industry standard allows the gram weight deviation to be ±5%. Then the standard weight deviation of a 9-inch disc is ±0.75 grams, and the maximum standard weight of a 9-inch disc is 15.75 grams.

Some equipment manufacturers use 16 ± 2 grams to calculate the output, which means that the 9-inch disc can be calculated or assessed with 18 grams, which is 3 grams more than the normal 15 grams, which has exceeded the normal ± 5% (± 0.75 grams). )scope. This trick makes his equipment 20% more productive than it would normally be. Equipment with a capacity of 800 kilograms becomes a device with a capacity of 1 ton.

Skill ③, 24 hours to calculate the output

The normal discount time of 1~1.5 hours must be reserved for the start-up time every day, and the daily output is not calculated in 24 hours. Due to industry norms, even if the equipment is working non-stop for one minute, a normal discounted time of 1 hour must be set aside every day for shift inspection, normal maintenance and cleaning, etc. Calculate 1 hour less, and this item has a 5% difference in production capacity.

Skill ④, leave no allowance when calculating capacity

To calculate the production capacity of pulp molding equipment, there must be a 10% margin. Because of the gap between the actual and theoretical calculations, the calculated capacity must have a 10% margin to ensure the actual production capacity, so that the equipment acceptance can be passed.

Skill ②-Skill ④, capacity deviation = 20% + 5% + 10% = 35%, that is, the calculation method of skill ② - skill ④ is adopted. The pulp molding equipment with a capacity of 1 ton is a pulp mold of about 650 kg. plastic equipment.

3. Yield ±10% skill,

When quoting equipment or signing a contract, add this clause: the allowable deviation of equipment output is ±10%. This is another big trick, the pulp molding industry speaks of equipment capacity as the minimum output that the equipment must achieve. Only positive deviations are allowed, negative deviations are not accepted.

If negative bias is accepted. Then, it is normal that the equipment of pulp molding equipment with a capacity of 1 ton is only 900 kilograms. Combined with skills ②-techniques ④, the production capacity deviation is 35%, 900-350=550 kg.

In the end, the equipment known as the pulp molding equipment with a capacity of 1 ton became only 550 kilograms. Causes a huge deviation between the actual production capacity and the theoretical production capacity.

4. How to avoid the phenomenon of inflated production capacity of pulp molding equipment

A standard 10-inch disc (20 grams) is used as the acceptance standard. The equipment capacity in the pulp molding industry refers to the minimum daily output of the equipment, which is generally checked for 72 hours after starting up.

Note the following capacity calculations:

(1) Any heavier square box products, 10-inch disc 22 grams, cannot be used.

(2) The measurement standard cannot be based on the use of a 9-inch disc of 16±2 grams.

(3) The output of the equipment cannot be calculated in 24 hours

 (4) The terms of ±10% of production capacity are rejected.

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