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How to recycling waste paper at home or lab?
2023-05-18 08:44:48

Recycling waste paper or plant fiber at home or in a lab using an integrated pulp molding machine is a great way to reduce waste and create sustainable packaging solutions. Here are the steps to create molded pulp packaging prototypes using an integrated pulp molding machine:

Collect and Sort Waste Paper: Collect waste paper from your home or lab and sort it into different categories such as newspapers, magazines, and cardboard boxes.

Shred the Waste Paper: Shred the waste paper into small pieces using a shredder or by tearing it into small pieces.

Soak the Waste Paper: Soak the shredded paper in water for several hours to soften it and break it down into pulp.


Prepare the Molding Machine: Set up the integrated pulp molding machine and prepare it for use. This may involve setting the temperature, preparing the molds, and adding any necessary chemicals.

Load the Pulp into the Machine: Once the pulp is ready, load it into the integrated pulp molding machine using a shovel or scoop.

Mold the Pulp: Use the molding machine to mold the pulp into the desired shape. This may involve using a specific mold to create a specific packaging prototype.

Remove the Prototype: Once the pulp has been molded, remove the prototype from the machine and place it on a drying rack.

Dry the Prototype: Allow the prototype to dry completely. This may take several hours or even a day depending on the size and thickness of the prototype.

Test the Prototype: Once the prototype is dry, test it for durability, strength, and functionality. This will help you identify any areas that need improvement.

Iterate and Refine: Based on the results of the testing, iterate and refine the prototype until you have a final product that meets your requirements.

How to recycling waste paper at home or lab?

Overall, recycling waste paper using an integrated pulp molding machine is a simple and effective way to create sustainable packaging solutions. With some practice and experimentation, you can create a wide range of molded pulp packaging prototypes.

SHM small integrated pulp molded machine, no infrastructure required, small, easy control, robust stainless steel construction, built-in air compressor and reservoir, cost-effective, energy saving, suitable for small quantity degradable paper pulp packaging production.

Functional proof of principle prototype aiding the development of a new product. 

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