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What material is used for bleaching pulp?
2023-06-02 10:56:27

When it comes to molded pulp used in white lunch boxes, it is important to note that the pulp can be bleached or unbleached depending on the manufacturer's preferences. Unbleached plant fiber pulp has a yellowish tint due to the presence of lignin and colored impurities, and the fibers are hard. Semi-bleached pulp, on the other hand, contains a significant amount of pentosan, which gives it a light yellow color known as "true color." Finally, bleached pulp is white, pure, and soft in texture, but the fiber strength may be slightly lower due to the bleaching treatment.

When it comes to bleaching pulp, it is important to avoid the use of chlorine-based bleaches as they can release harmful chemicals into the environment. Instead, hydrogen peroxide is a commonly used bleaching agent for pulp and paper products. It is a safe and effective alternative that does not produce harmful byproducts.


Overall, the type of pulp used in molded pulp tableware can affect the appearance, texture, and strength of the final product. Manufacturers can choose to use unbleached, semi-bleached, or bleached pulp depending on their specific needs. When bleaching pulp, it is important to use safe and eco-friendly methods to ensure that the environment is protected. Advanced pulp molding machines, such as those produced by reputable manufacturers like SHM, can help ensure that the entire pulp molding process is efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally sustainable.

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