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Degradable plastics are also banned in the EU
2022-09-24 16:37:12

Degradable plastics are also banned in the EU

In the global movement to ban plastics, biodegradable plastics are now also banned in the European Union.

In the context of the global ban on plastics, it was originally the company's idea to replace single-use plastics with degradable plastics. The completely naturally degradable plant fiber pulp molding products seem to occupy a small share in front of the huge degradable plastics.

However, the degradation of degradable plastics is conditional. Degradable plastics need to be recycled first and then composted to fully degrade. However, only valuable things can be efficiently recycled. Generally, degradable plastics will become brittle after 6 months, lose the value of reuse, and have no recycling value. Biodegradable plastics cannot naturally degrade if they cannot be recycled for composting.

Due to the fact that degradable plastics cannot be completely degraded naturally, they have actually become one of the culprits of white pollution. Biodegradable plastics have also been banned in the EU from July 3.

Plant fiber pulp molded products are truly environmentally friendly products that are naturally degradable, and are currently the only viable alternative to some plastic products. For example, in the field of pulp molded tableware packaging, pulp molded industrial packaging is a good substitute for many plastic products.

Italy's "Chinatown" reported: From July 3, EU member states will have to say goodbye to the use of single-use and oxidatively degradable plastics and only allow the use of recyclable plastics. The European Commission has ruled that they cannot be placed on the EU market because the Commission Considering that plastic is harmful to marine life, biodiversity and our health, reducing the use of single-use plastics helps protect the health of people and the planet. This policy may greatly affect the lives and work of our Chinese and homeless people.

Let's see which items will gradually be replaced by sustainable alternatives after July 3: balloons, bottle caps up to 3 liters, Styrofoam cups, disposable cutlery, straws at parties , plates, and only reusable products are allowed to be used.

Degradable plastics are also banned in the EU

The food packaging industry will also be forced to transform, no longer using oxidatively degradable plastics, but only paper (mold products from pulp are more ideal).

There are also sanitary napkins, tampons, wipes, bags, cotton swabs. Cigarette filters will also change, and the fishing industry will ban the use of plastic tools (according to Greenpeace, 640,000 tons of fishing nets and tool plastic are discarded in the ocean every year, and they are in fact the culprit of ocean damage. ) These products will take different measures, such as reducing their consumption, producers pay "pollution fees" to control.

Of course, such a measure has also caused criticism and controversy in many countries, because this move will also cause a great blow to the 160,000 jobs in the plastics industry in Italy and the entire plastics industry. And Italy is also making a last-ditch effort, in the past few hours, the Minister of Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani has attacked: "The EU's definition of plastic ban is very strange, you can only use Recyclable plastics, biodegradable plastics are not allowed and our country is a leader in biodegradable plastics but cannot use them because there is a ridiculous directive that says "use only recyclable plastics".

This may also affect the export of small commodities in China. In the future, the export of plastic products to EU countries may be subject to restrictions and material requirements. The European Union does pay more attention to the protection of the environment, so there are so many famous beaches, beautiful and clear seas, and lush forests. I don’t know if homeless people have noticed that fast food such as McDonald’s has quietly replaced plastic straws and cup lids with paper lids and paper straws. Acceptance becomes the norm.

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