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How to choose the hydraulic pulper in the egg tray production line
2022-09-24 15:02:10

In the whole process of the egg tray production line, the selection of the hydraulic pulper requires our attention. The hydraulic pulper is a traditional and common equipment used for the disintegration of waste paper in egg tray equipment, and it is also the main equipment for processing pulp boards and broken paper. The hydraulic pulper has the following advantages in the disintegration of pulp board, broken paper, waste paper, etc.:

First: shredded pulp has only dissociation effect and no cutting effect

Second: strong disintegration ability, low power consumption per unit output

Third: simple equipment, low cost, small footprint, convenient maintenance and repair

How to choose the hydraulic pulper in the egg tray production line

Fourth: the required labor force, which can be mechanized and automated

The horizontal hydraulic pulper is the most common one used in the waste paper processing industry in my country. , wire, plastic, etc., are mounted on the rotor with a blade with a barbed hook at one end, and the motor rotates the main shaft of the main frame and the turntable fixed on the main shaft through the pulley. The hydraulic pulper uses this rotary motion to rub and tear the pulp installed in the metal tank with each other to achieve the purpose of pulp disintegration. After the plate is screened, the good pulp flows to the pulp storage tank through the screen hole through the pulp pipe connected to the bottom of the tank, and the roughness left in the tank is removed by cleaning the bottom of the metal pulp tank. The selection of the hydraulic pulper in the egg tray machine plays a crucial role in the quality of the egg tray, so a perfect hydraulic pulper must choose a good quality hydraulic pulper in the entire egg tray production line.

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