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What is the pulp molding wet pressing process?
2022-09-24 14:42:25

As an industry that has been vigorously developed in recent years, pulp and plastic film has ushered in a new era of comprehensive development under the release of the plastic restriction order in 2021. At present, the domestic technology field for the development of pulp and plastic film industry has been vigorously invested and continuously researched and developed. . However, many small partners do not understand our existing technical level, and simply believe that domestic technology is not as good as foreign technology. But in fact, in the pulp and plastic film industry, technological leadership has always been our advantage.

What is the pulp molding wet pressing process?

Today, the editor of Shuanghuan Fiber will lead you to understand, what is the wet pressing process of pulp molding?

The pulp molding wet pressing process refers to the process of injecting the pulp into the molding die through the pipeline after pulping, adsorbing excess water by vacuum, forming a wet embryo, and immediately transferring it to the hot pressing molding die for rapid extrusion drying.

Advantages of the wet pressing process: The environmental protection tableware produced by the wet pressing process has high production efficiency, and is transferred to the final shape immediately after forming, and the production speed is fast; the moisture content of the wet embryo in the wet pressing process is about 65-75%, the moisture content is high, and the vacuum adsorption time is required for a long time; The degradable tableware products produced by the wet pressing process have a smooth and delicate surface, beautiful and beautiful; the disposable lunch boxes produced by the wet pressing process have thinner wall thickness, higher density and save volume.

Disadvantages of wet pressing process: it is not easy to draft or demold the disposable lunch box products with small slope; the products with small R angle or small slope have a higher breaking rate; the heat energy consumption is large.

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